
2021 年欧洲杯:关于比赛你需要知道的英文口语知识

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  欧洲杯的全称是UEFA Euro Cup。UEFA就是欧足联的简称,全写是Union of European Football Association。在口语里提到欧洲杯,说Euro Cup就可以了。

  When I was a kid, I liked to play with my friends: 我小时候常跟朋友踢足球

  But I was never on a team and I really never followed soccer too much: 但我从来没加入过足球队,也不怎么看足球

  I’m quite into soccer, especially Euro Cup: 我还挺爱看足球的,特别是欧洲杯

  soccer fan/soccer maniac: 球迷/足球狂

  足球:soccer, football?


  “足球”在不同英语国家有不同叫法。大多数国家,足球叫football;在北美,足球叫做soccer/ˈsɒk ər/ , 区别美式橄榄球football。

  Let’s set the record straight: 有件事我们要先讲讲清楚

  In most English-speaking countries, it is called football: 大多数英语国家把足球叫“football”

  People from Canada and the U.S. call it soccer: 加拿大人和美国人称足球为“soccer”

  rugby: 英式橄榄球

  footy: 澳式橄榄球

  American football: 美式橄榄球

  Have you watched any of the Euro Cup games this year?: 今年欧洲杯你看了吗?

  Which team do you support: 你支持哪个队?

  I root for England: 我支持英国队

  The original meaning of rooting is the action of cheering for a team: rooting的本意指的就是为一个队伍加油喝彩



  What’ the line-up?:上场的都有谁?/这次阵容如何?

  Formation: 阵型

  Position: 位置

  Striker: 前锋

  Cristiano Ronaldo: 克里斯蒂亚诺•罗纳尔多/C罗

  It is a striker’s job to score goals: 前锋的任务就是要进球

  commentator: 评论员,解说员

  A goal is also what you kick the ball into: Goal另外一个意思就是球门

  goalie/goalkeeper: 守门员

  Gianluigi Buffon is a veteran goalkeeper from Italy: 布冯是意大利队久经沙场的老门将



  Goalkeeper: 守门员

  Sweeper: 清道夫

  Back: 后卫

  Stopper: 中后卫

  Midfilder: 中卫

  Forward: 前腰

  Striker: 射手

  a favorite/favored team: 呼声很高的热门球队

  underdog/wildcard: 黑马

  darkhorse: 黑马, 注意不是"black horse"

  To cause an upset: 爆冷

  They came out of left field: 半路杀出个程咬金、黑马球队

  The Euro Cup is being held in France: 世界杯正在法国举行

  France is the hosting country of this year’s Euro Cup: 法国是今年世界杯的主办国

  Host nation: 主办国

  Home game: 主场

  Away game: 客场



  Eliminating rounds/games: 淘汰赛

  Group matches: 小组赛

  Round of 16: 八分之一决赛

  quarter-finals: 四分之一决赛

  Semi-finals: 半决赛

  Final/ the championship match: 决赛

  Defending champion: 卫冕球队

  例如:Spain, the defending champion was knocked out in the round of 16:  卫冕冠军西班牙八分之一决赛中被淘汰

  To beat a team: 击败一个对,

  例如France beat Germany to reach the final: 法国击败德国进入决赛



  How do you cheer for a team as you're watching a game?: 你们看球的时候怎么给球队喝彩?


  Come on!

  Go, go, go!

  Do it!

  Go get them!

  There’re many different ways to express your dissatisfaction with a team: 表达对一个队伍的不满有很多种方式


  What a shot: 好球

  That was an awful play: 这球踢得真烂

  That was an awful kick: 这脚踢得真烂

  That stunk: 这球踢得真臭



  场地名称篇  field / pitch 足球场  midfield 中场 backfield 后场 kickoff circle / center circle 中圈 halfway line 中线 touchline / sideline 边线 goal line 球门线 end line 底线 penalty mark (点球)罚球点 penalty area 禁区(罚球区) goal area 小禁区(球门区)

   球队技术篇 corner ball / corner 角球 goal kick 球门球 handball 手球 header 头球 penalty kick 点球 place kick 定位球 own goal  乌龙球 hat-trick 帽子戏法 free kick 任意球 pass 传球 short pass 短传 long pass 长传 tackle 铲球 shoot 射门 offside 越位 dribbling 盘球,带球 足球战术篇 beat the offside trap 反越位成功 foul 犯规 technical foul 技术犯规 break loose  摆脱 control the midfield  控制中场 set a wall 筑人墙 close-marking defence 盯人防守

  比赛方式篇  half-time interval  中场休息   extra time  加时赛 injury time 伤停补时 golden goal / sudden death  金球制,突然死亡法 yellow card 黄牌 

  red card 红牌goal 球门,进球数 draw 平局 



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2021 年欧洲杯:关于比赛你需要知道的英文口语知识

2021 年欧洲杯:关于比赛你需要知道的英文口语知识


